Biofuels impact food production?
I said yes biofuels impact food production because growing
crops to make biofuels may accelerate global warming, not slow it down its
effects. One research that I found was “According to Clearing Land for Biofuels
make global warming worse’’ this paper talks about that biofuels release
roughly as much carbon dioxide when burn it as regular gasoline or diesel. But
a key criticism of the biofuel is that large amounts of fossil fuels are
required to form and refine it.
Another article
that I used is the “Scientists Weigh in on Biofuels vs. Food Debate’’, what’s
needed instead, says Tillman, is a rational look at the big picture, he acknowledged, the demand for biofuels drive from traditional
food crops like corn has contributed to a rise in global food prices, but so
had increasing demand for food from burgeoning population in China and India.
The primary impact of biofuels on food inflation is from increases in the farm
prices of commodities that contribute to producing our food supply, like corn,
soybean meal, wheat, barley and oats.
The last source I
used it was the internet (Google) farm prices are largely determined by supply
and demand. In the initial years of the biofuels era, demand for corn and
soybean oil increased shadily. Increased demand results in higher prices for
corn and soybeans. There is concern that the expansion of biofuel crop
production wills threaten the food security of poor sectors of communities
across the world by affecting food supply and price. In the USA, ethanol requirements
are met predominantly by the fermentation of maize starch to bioethanol Michel
reported that more than 70% of food price increases were due to biofuels. This is
why I think that biofuels impact food production.
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