In environmental class we wached a movie name ''Tapped'' this movie is about bottled water and that only 1% of the water on earth is drinkable can you believe that. Well this movie had an impact on me because you can see that this people are trying to tell us that not allways drinking of water bottles is alweys safe for us is NOT 100% safe. And that you need to stop and think that maybe this bottles have something bad in side of theme and it could be harmfull for you and your childrens. Another thing that impacted me is that people that make this bottles not allways say the true. This has a lot of impact on animals too not only us because the animals from the ocean like fish suffer from contamination because of us, some people don't care about throwing the water bottles in a trash can they only care about throwing it any were only because they dont want to carry it for just 5 steps more to the trash can. This bottles end up in the ocean were fish live and I bet that fish dont like that because thats there home they want to take care of it but us the humans WE SEEM NOT TO CARE...
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